The best links are these:

Click here to read about and optionally order some of Brett's favorite books, CDs, and DVDs!

This is me.
This is me and my girl.
This is me and my girl, next to my girl and me.

Check this out!

Click here to see an MPEG-format animation of ME growing and shaving a beard!

Be warned, however, that this file is a little over 500 kilobytes.
If you aren't sure if you have the software necessary to play an MPEG video, you might try downloading this condensed version of the big movie first. It's only 50 kilobytes, so it shouldn't take too long to download. If you can't get it to play, then it's probably a waste of time to download the main animation above. You should check out the MPEG links I provide a paragraph or two below, and see if you can get an appropriate MPEG player installed.

This animation was created with a QuickCam, on a 90 MHz Pentium system running Linux. Starting April 3 (of a year long, long ago), I stopped shaving and started taking a single picture of my face each morning (before my shower, hence the wild hair in most frames). Finally, on May 5, I took a bunch more pictures as I shaved. Then I used public-domain MPEG encoding software (PVRG-MPEG) to assemble the pictures into an MPEG movie.

If you don't have an MPEG player, this part's for you:
There are lots of useful MPEG-related links at Tristan's MPEG Page (dead link).
For your accessing convenience, the same information is mirrored at Berkeley.

I use xanim to view animations under Unix (Linux and Solaris). I highly recommend it. For more info, check out The XAnim Home Page
If you have Windows and don't want to buy a commercial MPEG player, I have heard that vmpeg will do the trick, but I haven't verified that.

Oh yes, there is one other thing. I'm interested in Chinese rock music, so here is my tribute. I spent a lot of time preparing it, so please spend a lot of time reading it.
More pictures:

Here is another, in which I look at my enormous fingers.

This is a picture of me and my wife, Eva. It's not one of her better pictures.

The pictures were made on an Amiga, using Digiview. For a description of how they were made, click here.

Since November 7, 1996, this page has been accessed 13134 times.

A summary of Brett

I am an computer engineer, currently working at Waymo, working on self-driving cars in Mountain View, CA. I have previously worked at Google, Sandforce, NVIDIA, Transmeta, 8x8 (formerly known as IIT), and S-MOS Systems.

This website was created back in the stone age, decades ago, and is very rarely updated anymore. Someday I'll probably do a more thorough scrub and make it useful and/or interesting, but that day is not today.

I have a really old and out-dated collection of web pointers (just like everyone else with a web page) that I think you might like, ironically. They're in no particular order, but I love them anyway. Someday I'll organize them better. If you keep checking back, you'll notice nothing ever changes.

Visit my page of keywords, which is designed to trigger keyword searches that might have some relation to me.

Check out these pictures!

(Good pic) Another nice picture of me.

Making warped pictures with Digiview

Digiview is a simple video-capture device for use with Amiga computers. The video input is provided by a standard video camera. When an image is scanned, the Digiview reads one vertical column of pixels at a time, at a rate of 60 columns per second. The pixels are displayed as they are read. The result is that the image is scanned and displayed from one side of the screen to the other side. If you move while you are being scanned, the scanned image will appear warped. That's it! No fancy morphing software was used.

I have recently discovered that Instagram has a fun filter called "Slit Scan" that simulates this same effect, but in color on your phone, and with the ability to control the direction and speed of the scan. Technology is a wonderful thing.

Brett Coon /